Licencing My Work

I’ve been thinking about this for a while now and have come to a decision – no more putting my best images up for licencing on 500px.

Now you may ask “why stop yourself from getting some extra income?”. Well I have only had a handful of images be licenced through 500px over the years and the sum total income is less than $600.

What I’m going to do instead is share more of my images on social platforms (properly copyrighted) with instructions in the description on how to licence or buy prints. I will be adding a licencing page to my website which will outline my licencing policies and costs. This is in line with what a lot of professional photographers do so it’s not like I’m stepping out of turn or anything.

I will also be releasing a yearly photo book covering the previous year work which will contain what I see as my best work from that year – I will be doing this for my Masters degree work as well so that will be out next summer.

I haven’t given up on my YouTube channel but I’m still thinking about what to do with it – I still plan to post weekly vlogs about how my Masters degree is going when that starts in September this year.

I also haven’t been updating my Facebook page ( as much as I would have liked which will also change soon.