A Little Bit Of Personal History And Look Ahead

A bit of personal history

So what kind of photographer am I? Documentary? Portrait? Landscape? Lifestyle? Fashion? Architectural? Motorsport? All and none.

Born in the mid 1970’s it wasn’t until I was given the family camera for a school trip 1986 that I discovered photography. For me school life before that trip had been a struggle as unknown to me at that time, I was Dyslexic in a time when it was only beginning to be recognised. Ever since then photography has been a part of my life, though sometimes it had been floating in the background.

By my mid 30’s photography had become more than a mere personal interest. In 2009 I began studying for a fine arts degree in Photography, graduating with a degree in 2012.

Since graduating I have been continuing to develop my photographic skills with personal projects & portfolio shoots. I have had work in exhibitions and in 2017 I travelled to both Iceland & Australia to produce my own brand of travel & landscape photography.

For me photography is not just about producing something beautiful but something more than that. An emotional response, introspective, thought provoking, meaningful, these are just some of results I like to see from my work. I do of course like to produce work that people will enjoy looking at as well.

I have been quite lucky in where I have lived. I boarded at a school in the Sussex countryside up against the South Downs & when at home I was also surrounded by the South Downs. Being so close to Brighton and with London just over an hour away means there is a great deal of talent within a reasonable distance.

My main photographical interests are: - The natural world (the South Downs & Sussex coastline has so much to offer), Portrait Photography, Macro Photography & High Detail Photography.

I love taking portraits especially headshots, using different lenses & lighting setups to produce very diverse portraits is something I continue to explore. Fluorescent makeup & beauty photography (using a macro lens) are the current areas of portrait photography I am exploring.

For me photography is more than just a job or lifestyle, it is something to enjoy doing & to be enjoyed. If I didn’t enjoy doing it then I wouldn’t be doing it, it’s as simple as that.